Patrick Wilson
Episode 107
"A picture of success is, at your funeral, more than your loved ones... like people related to you, show up, and that you're leaving a legacy with others."
Narrator: Welcome friends to another episode of the Story & Experience Podcast. Join your host, Japhet De Oliveira with his guest today, and discover the moments that shape us, our families, and communities.
Japhet De Oliveira: Hey, welcome friends to another episode of the Story and Experience podcast. I'm delighted with my guest today. It has been a while to be able to arrange this. We have had some scheduling and calendar issues, but now we have arrived and we're seated here, face-to-face with each other. If you're brand new to the podcast, I have a hundred questions. They become more vulnerable, more open as you get closer to 100, and they're already about stories and experiences that shape this individual into the leader that they are today. Without any pause, we'll dive straight in, and I'll ask you your first question. Could you tell us what's your name, and does anybody ever mispronounce it, or misspell it?
Patrick Wilson: Patrick Wilson, no. Hard to mispronounce, but they're of course nicknames that care to forget.
Japhet De Oliveira: That you care to forget. Do people call you Patrick, or do they-
Patrick Wilson: No, they typically use Pat.
Japhet De Oliveira: Yeah.
Patrick Wilson: However, in certain environments there's too many Pats, so they'll call me Patrick, but yeah.
Japhet De Oliveira: Nobody ever calls you Wilson?
Patrick Wilson: Growing up, yes, especially around particular TV shows. Dennis the Menace and Home Improvement, I think was the other one.
Japhet De Oliveira: Oh yeah? That's great. Well, Patrick, could you share with us what you do for work?
Patrick Wilson: I am the Information Security Officer executive here, and so I always say I'm a glorified computer janitor, cleaning up messes.
Japhet De Oliveira: You work for Adventist Health?
Patrick Wilson: Yes.
Japhet De Oliveira: You take care of security?
Patrick Wilson: Yep, so cybersecurity-
Japhet De Oliveira: Cybersecurity.
Patrick Wilson: ... risk mitigation, those sorts of things.
Japhet De Oliveira: That doesn't sound stressful.
Patrick Wilson: Yeah.
Japhet De Oliveira: No?
Patrick Wilson: Depends on the time of day-
Japhet De Oliveira: Depends on the time of day?
Patrick Wilson: ... and how many days I've worked.
Japhet De Oliveira: Oh yeah, that's pretty impressive. Have you done this long?
Patrick Wilson: I have been in IT since I was a little kid, so started testing software when I was 11.
Japhet De Oliveira: Yeah. Always been a passion of yours?
Patrick Wilson: Yes.
Japhet De Oliveira: Okay. I've got to ask, what do you like the most about IT security, cybersecurity in particular? There's got to be one area that you're like, "Oh, I love this part."
Patrick Wilson: It's always changing, and I love to learn, so I'm always able to go and learn new things, because the threat actor, and the technology that they're using, is always evolving. It just lines up with my own personal traits around learning being one of the top five things that I like to do.
Japhet De Oliveira: Hey, that's fantastic. I enjoy the training day that you did. A while back, Patrick called all of us together. He invited security specialists, the FBI, a training day for all of IT system-wide. It was quite impressive. I was like, "Wow, this is an interesting room."
Patrick Wilson: Definitely an interesting room, and very important work.
Japhet De Oliveira: Yeah, yeah.
Patrick Wilson: I was grateful for your participation and everyone else's.
Japhet De Oliveira: No, it was fantastic. Thank you for that. All right, so in the morning when you get up, first drink of the day, coffee, liquid green smoothie, tea, coffee?
Patrick Wilson: I've been prepping for this question for weeks.
Japhet De Oliveira: Oh, have you really? Oh, okay.
Patrick Wilson: The bottle of water is still sitting next to... or on top of my nightstand. I think it's open, but just a few ounces consumed. I typically don't drink anything until probably lunchtime.
Japhet De Oliveira: Really? Okay. All right. Good for you.
Patrick Wilson: I don't know. I very rarely eat breakfast. Just... I don't know. You're probably a very happy morning riser.
Japhet De Oliveira: I am, yeah.
Patrick Wilson: I'm still contemplating why God invented mornings.
Japhet De Oliveira: That's really funny. All right, so Patrick, where were you born?
Patrick Wilson: I was born in Australia, so my parents were teachers overseas for a couple of years-
Japhet De Oliveira: Really?
Patrick Wilson: ... and so I was born over there.
Japhet De Oliveira: Where in Australia? I was just there in November, obviously.
Patrick Wilson: About an hour south of Sydney.
Japhet De Oliveira: Oh, do you go back home often?
Patrick Wilson: No. My parents are originally from Oklahoma-
Japhet De Oliveira: Okay.
Patrick Wilson: ... and they met in Tulare, and then I don't know why they went to Australia, but they went there for a couple of years, and my dad taught at one of the schools there.
Japhet De Oliveira: That's amazing. That's amazing. Right, fantastic. Do you consider home to be where?
Patrick Wilson: Well, I'm married with children, so San Ramon would be my home. Now, we moved back to the States... I learned to walk on a cruise ship, on the way back.
Japhet De Oliveira: Oh, my.
Patrick Wilson: I was very young when moved back to Tulare. Tulare is where... formative years.
Japhet De Oliveira: That's really interesting. When you were a kid in Tulare then what did you grow up... what did you imagine you would grow up to be?
Patrick Wilson: Either a pilot, or astronaut, or in tech?
Japhet De Oliveira: Well, you got one of those.
Patrick Wilson: I got two out of the three.
Japhet De Oliveira: Do you fly?
Patrick Wilson: Yes.
Japhet De Oliveira: Oh, wow. Okay. That's really awesome. What's the largest plane you've flown?
Patrick Wilson: I got about half an hour in a King Air once. That was fun, a twin engine airplane.
Japhet De Oliveira: Okay, so you and Tom Cruise, lots in common, right?
Patrick Wilson: No, very little. A lot of zeros behind his name.
Japhet De Oliveira: All right. Personality, Patrick. If people were to describe you as an introvert or an extrovert, which one would they say, and would you agree?
Patrick Wilson: I would say I'm an introvert, properly domesticated by my wife, so I can be extroverted, as required.
Japhet De Oliveira: Okay. Okay. Well, I'm glad she's pulled that gift out of you. That's good.
Patrick Wilson: I think on the Myers-Briggs, I'm now almost split down the middle, but I rejuvenate being alone, or being with close friends, not out and about.
Japhet De Oliveira: That's good. That's great. I was going to ask your habits. Are you a late night owl or early riser? I guess you're a late night owl?
Patrick Wilson: Yes. Yeah.
Japhet De Oliveira: What's late night for you?
Patrick Wilson: 2 AM.
Japhet De Oliveira: Oh my. Okay, okay, all right.
Patrick Wilson: Yeah, I have to sleep in hour and a half increments, so however that works, to make sure that I start my day at seven.
Japhet De Oliveira: Okay. 90 minute increments. How did you work that out?
Patrick Wilson: Just years of abusing my body-
Japhet De Oliveira: Oh really?
Patrick Wilson: ... for lack of sleep.
Japhet De Oliveira: That's really funny. All right, this morning when you woke up at seven-ish, what was the first thing that went through your mind?
Patrick Wilson: First thing that went through my mind, "Why does the dog keep licking me?" She wanted to go to the dog park, so I don't understand. I know it's love, wet kisses in the morning like that.
Japhet De Oliveira: Yeah, yeah. What dog do you have?
Patrick Wilson: An Australian poodle.
Japhet De Oliveira: How apropos.
Patrick Wilson: Yes.
Japhet De Oliveira: An Australian poodle. Okay, that's great. All right, here's the last question on this set, which is a leadership question, and then I'm going to hand it over to you and you can pick between 11 and 100. Are you a backseat driver?
Patrick Wilson: No.
Japhet De Oliveira: No. Categorically?
Patrick Wilson: I take a... I'm almost always driving.
Japhet De Oliveira: Oh, okay, okay. All right.
Patrick Wilson: Very few times do I ever get in a car without being in the driver's seat.
Japhet De Oliveira: Then at work, when you're leading your teams, do you feel the same way?
Patrick Wilson: No. In those cases, I'm there to support the work, and provide input, and remove roadblocks.
Japhet De Oliveira: Okay.
Patrick Wilson: But to me in that backseat driving is more babysitting, and I work with too many high-skilled people to do that.
Japhet De Oliveira: That's fantastic. Great. You do have an amazing team. They are... they're really fantastic. All right, so where would you like to go first?
Patrick Wilson: I did my studies.
Japhet De Oliveira: Oh, you did your studies. Oh, no.
Patrick Wilson: Hold on.
Japhet De Oliveira: He pulled his phone out.
Patrick Wilson: Actually, I have the list of questions that haven't been asked. Let's start with that. Let me open up my notes here. I did notice that certain questions were more frequently asked than others.
Japhet De Oliveira: Yeah.
Patrick Wilson: But in the research that I did, question 93 has never been asked.
Japhet De Oliveira: Okay.
Patrick Wilson: Now I clearly haven't-
Japhet De Oliveira: Listened to all of them, yeah.
Patrick Wilson: ... listened to all a hundred and something, but in the ones that I did review.
Japhet De Oliveira: Hey, that's fantastic. I will give you one little secret. I do have a friend of mine in England who has listened to all of the episodes, created an entire spreadsheet in Excel, analyzed every question, and worked out at what point all of them were asked, and what's the most frequent. I'll have to share with you afterwards, since you're interested in that, but we'll dive into 93. You're right. Paint us a picture of success. Huh.
Patrick Wilson: A picture of success is, at your funeral more than your loved ones... like people related to you, show up, and that you're leaving a legacy with others. It could be just the simple kindness that you display that is prompting others to be kind. It could be a legacy of being there for people, who during a time of need, or you're celebrating something that you commit and make time to go do those things, because time is one of the few things that... or is the only thing that we don't get back. Yeah, just that's what I would consider success.
Japhet De Oliveira: Have you written your own obituary then?
Patrick Wilson: I know people have written my obituary for me, but no, just kidding.
Japhet De Oliveira: I was like... okay. Yeah.
Patrick Wilson: Being in cybersecurity sometimes-
Japhet De Oliveira: Yeah, sure, sure.
Patrick Wilson: ... you're not necessarily everyone's favorite person to talk to. No, I haven't thought of dying. I've been close to death once, but... yeah.
Japhet De Oliveira: Really?
Patrick Wilson: Yeah.
Japhet De Oliveira: You had an accident, or...?
Patrick Wilson: I was skydiving, and it was right before Christmas. I was jumping into this event as an elf, and-
Japhet De Oliveira: As you do.
Patrick Wilson: Sure, and coming out of a turn, there was an airplane about 10, 15 feet away from me as I came out of the turn. It's surreal. The world... time slows down.
Japhet De Oliveira: You missed it by seconds then?
Patrick Wilson: Yeah.
Japhet De Oliveira: Yeah.
Patrick Wilson: Half a second, second, something like that.
Japhet De Oliveira: Oh, my. Okay.
Patrick Wilson: Had I stayed in my turn, I wouldn't be here.
Japhet De Oliveira: That's incredible.
Patrick Wilson: But just stopped, and don't know why, God clearly had other plans.
Japhet De Oliveira: Yeah. You want to leave a legacy behind?
Patrick Wilson: Sure.
Japhet De Oliveira: That's really beautiful. Do you know what the legacy is that you want to leave behind?
Patrick Wilson: Clearly treating people with kindness that they deserve, and actually want. As I mentioned before, showing kindness, being there for others, carving out time for self-care as well. Just it's super important to do those things, and the legacy is people carrying on those traits, and remembering that.
Japhet De Oliveira: That's fantastic. Well, thank you for sharing that one. That was 93, which is one of the harder ones, more complex ones. Appreciate that. Where do you want to go next?
Patrick Wilson: Yeah, so 86.
Japhet De Oliveira: 86, all right. Who was influential in shaping you to be who you are now and why?
Patrick Wilson: Is it cheating to use your parents?
Japhet De Oliveira: No, no, that's great.
Patrick Wilson: Okay, so my mom taught me a lot about kindness and being there. I remember being on a train. We decided instead of flying out to see my grandparents one Christmas, we'd be on this train, and this is right as the AIDS epidemic started. She spent a whole lot of time talking to a gentleman who had AIDS, and his family reached out to him upon his passing, and said you were the kindest person who wasn't affiliated in any of his care, or anything. That level of just... helped shape you. Then my dad from the technical and adventuresome side, he used to ride motorcycles. He and I... I don't know how many skydives, but we have lots of skydives together, and just constant pushing us to... my brother, sister, and I to learn.
Japhet De Oliveira: I like this picture that you're painting of yourself, and how much of it's influenced by your family, and your experiences. This is really intriguing. This is really intriguing.
Patrick Wilson: Yeah, and of course my wife, she domesticated me.
Japhet De Oliveira: You mentioned that. Well, hopefully we'll unpack that a little bit more, as time goes on. All right. Where next after that?
Patrick Wilson: Well, my phone's off now, so we'll go through. It seemed like the low 60s were not used frequently, so 61, 62, 63, somewhere in there.
Japhet De Oliveira: All right, then let's go 61 then. Tell us about a time in your life that required incredible courage. Huh.
Patrick Wilson: Wow. I think there's a lot of times in everyone's life where you're called upon to be courageous. It could be sharing something that's super difficult with another individual. It could be standing in harm's way to protect somebody. When I graduated high school, one of the first things I had the opportunity to do was go and live in Venezuela for a year.
Japhet De Oliveira: Really? Okay.
Patrick Wilson: I was there during the first military coup, and there were probably 70% to 80% of the students that were there under the Rotary Student Exchange, their families called them back and they're like, "Look, you're on the next plane out of town."
Japhet De Oliveira: Yeah, absolutely.
Patrick Wilson: Being able to talk to my parents, I don't know if they had a life insurance policy out on me or something, but they're like, "No, stay." But lost one of my classmates. Just being courageous-
Japhet De Oliveira: You lost one of your classmates?
Patrick Wilson: On the way to school, he was caught in the crossfire-
Japhet De Oliveira: Oh my goodness.
Patrick Wilson: ... some of the shooting, down in the middle of Caracas. Just courageous in the sense of choosing to stay, also being there to support other students. Because we all shared similar stories around growing up in communities that would've never had this happen. Right? Being able to talk through that.
Japhet De Oliveira: You stayed a whole year?
Patrick Wilson: Yes.
Japhet De Oliveira: Wow.
Patrick Wilson: It was 11 months, I think.
Japhet De Oliveira: Yeah, yeah. Yeah. That is a lot of courage. Well, thank you for doing that, and being part of that journey, for sure. That was 61. Where did you want to go next, Patrick?
Patrick Wilson: Let's do 63.
Japhet De Oliveira: 63, right. It's interesting. Tell us about a time when you felt lost.
Patrick Wilson: Well, there's directional loss, which thank goodness for Siri, or the map systems that we have nowadays. Because I remember driving down to LA in the middle of the night, and us not having directions to my father-in-law's house. That didn't go over very well. I don't like not knowing where I'm going. But in terms of lost, I have a... my personal mission statement is reducing fear in an anxious world. There was a time a few years ago where my career and my passion was just not where I felt it should be, knowing that God gives all of us talent to go and make a difference in this world. Just felt compelled to dive into scripture, dive into talking with friends, people that invested time in me, and I've invested in them, and just walk through the process of am I at the right place? Am I at the right place and the wrong job? Am I at the right place, right job, and just not well rested? What does that look like? It took about nine months to figure that out.
Japhet De Oliveira: Yeah. Well, those are hard questions to ask, and they're really essential sometimes-
Patrick Wilson: Sure.
Japhet De Oliveira: ... and to sit inside them right, and so you wait.
Patrick Wilson: Yeah. The hardest part is waiting, mentally processing. Are these the right questions that I should be asking? Am I asking the right people?
Japhet De Oliveira: Yeah. All right. Someone's listening to the podcast, they're in the same kind of situation. What advice would you give them? How do they find right people? How do they find the right questions?
Patrick Wilson: Well, there's different levels of people in your life. Acquaintances, there's people that you share dinner with, and then there's people who truly know you, know the deep dark things that you don't want to share. Find those individuals, if it's creating your own personal board of directors where you sit down with them on a quarterly basis, or once a year, whatever you decide, and talk through goals, things that they see in your life. Because you want to be able to create relationships where people can be direct without being hurtful, and create those... and when you receive that, especially in a time of not knowing exactly if you're in the right place, or you're living out your life the best way possible, being able to accept that and just, "Okay, I know this person said this out of love, even though it may have stung." You have to have the ability to just be able to consume that information, and take it knowing that people are doing it... these particular individuals, are doing it for your own good.
There's an interesting book John Townsend wrote, People Fuel talks about that, and the nutrients that you need in your life, from different types of people.
Japhet De Oliveira: That's great. Look, this is not in order, in any shape or form, but you've mentioned it a couple of times. I have to kind of hijack the number of questioning here and just ask you, how do you see... you've mentioned God several times. How do you see God, and your work and life intersecting?
Patrick Wilson: Well, I personally believe I've been put here for a purpose.
Japhet De Oliveira: Yeah.
Patrick Wilson: I was raised in a home that shared that intentionally every day. Knew that I was not only unconditionally loved by my parents, but by a God who loved me unconditionally. That's when having that unconditional love doesn't mean you get to go and goof off all the time.
Japhet De Oliveira: Yeah, sure.
Patrick Wilson: I mean, you have to take that blessing and actually deliver on it, or do what you can to live out your purpose. Spending time to figure out what the purpose is, and God's inspiration around having a life mission, so that you know... or a mission statement, so you know, "Is this really the purpose that I believe God's put me here?" If it's a no, then you don't have to do whatever you're being asked to do. "No, I'm going to spend my time living out this other mission." I hope that answered your question.
Japhet De Oliveira: It does. It does. It does. That's really good. I appreciate that. Thank you for the freedom. Back to the 60s then. You had 63 there.
Patrick Wilson: I think we skipped 62.
Japhet De Oliveira: All right, that's good. Oh, this is great for you, what does a sense of community mean to you?
Patrick Wilson: A sense of community is knowing that you can pick up a phone, and talk to whoever you need to, whenever you need to. It's also being able to hang out and share joy, share pain, and being able to build each other up, and be there. It could be helping somebody move. It could be... recently had a close friend, his health is declining. He's needing to move back to be closer to one of his kids. Walking through that with him, it would be much harder for him to do that without community. It's not just me, it's others within his community, helping him deal with that transition.
Japhet De Oliveira: Patrick, have you found in your life that... and this is a bonus one, have you found in your life that you create community, or you are invited to community?
Patrick Wilson: Probably a little bit of both.
Japhet De Oliveira: Okay. I like the smile. Okay.
Patrick Wilson: Well, I was sharing with my wife the other day that I know a number of electricians, and I had an electrical problem.
Japhet De Oliveira: Okay.
Patrick Wilson: I was getting ready to call somebody in my community, because he's an electrician.
Japhet De Oliveira: Yeah.
Patrick Wilson: Then on the phone I started talking to him, and I was like, you know what? He sounds like he doesn't need an electrical question. I'm just going to talk to him. I get off the phone and my wife's like, "Why did you call him?" It's like, "You know, when I tell you that I'm frustrated at the times I get calls from people I haven't heard from in years? It's always a computer technical question, and it's not like, 'Hey, how are you?' I felt that same vibe." To me, building out that community, and being able to have that conversation, but being tuned enough with the community to know, "Hey, I can go research my technical," in this case an electrical question, "differently." But then there's also other times being invited to a community, being invited to work here at Adventist Health, or being invited to go work in other areas of the community, especially in cybersecurity, and training, and those sorts of things. You either create it, or you get invited to something somebody's already created. It's nice to be wanted in that way.
Japhet De Oliveira: Yeah. Hey, that's great. Thank you. Thank you for taking on that bonus one. All right, where next?
Patrick Wilson: Sure.
Japhet De Oliveira: We did 62, 63.
Patrick Wilson: Yes, and shockingly, I never heard anyone asked question 16.
Japhet De Oliveira: 16. Oh.
Patrick Wilson: I know that's way lower.
Japhet De Oliveira: No, no, that's good. Let's go there. Oh, tell us about one of the places you've traveled, and why you want to go back. Huh. I get the impression you've traveled a bit.
Patrick Wilson: Yes. It was great growing up, not only in the family that I did, but in the time that I did, because you could just get on a plane, and as a parent you weren't concerned about somebody stealing the kid. Right? You could just be... one summer, I spent the summer traveling the Midwest. Went to the Air Force Academy, went to the Science Institute, did some engineering work, and then... I forget, Colorado Springs, and spent some time with family there.
Japhet De Oliveira: Yeah.
Patrick Wilson: Yes, I've traveled, not extensively the world, but... like I've never been to the continent of Africa.
Japhet De Oliveira: Okay.
Patrick Wilson: But I love going to Cambria.
Japhet De Oliveira: Okay.
Patrick Wilson: Actually it's San Simeon, but there's a hotel there. It overlooks the ocean. There's a patch of grass out on the front lawn that throw Frisbee with the dog. If you want, you can just walk down and... up until, I think it was like four months ago, there was no cell reception, so-
Japhet De Oliveira: Okay. It was perfect.
Patrick Wilson: ... they just... they were putting in cell, and I tried to convince the-
Japhet De Oliveira: No, you didn't.
Patrick Wilson: ... the leadership there, that was a bad idea.
Japhet De Oliveira: No you didn't.
Patrick Wilson: Of course I did. I'm like the one tech guy that's going to be a hermit out in the middle of nowhere, and just go into the town, 20 miles away-
Japhet De Oliveira: The one guy who doesn't want cell coverage.
Patrick Wilson: Yeah, I'll use dimes or quarters to get internet service.
Japhet De Oliveira: Oh hey, that's a great place. Good. All right, where do you want to go next?
Patrick Wilson: Let's see-
Japhet De Oliveira: That was 16.
Patrick Wilson: Yes, that was 16. Was it 20? 23, I don't think had been asked on.
Japhet De Oliveira: Oh, this is actually really apropos for you. Right. Here we go, 23. Tell us about the most outdated piece of technology you still regularly use, and can't let go.
Patrick Wilson: Normal piece, or outdated piece of tech?
Japhet De Oliveira: Yeah. That you're still using and you just can't let go of it.
Patrick Wilson: I honestly... probably pen and paper, and a highlighter.
Japhet De Oliveira: Wow. A highlighter.
Patrick Wilson: God gave me the gift of dyslexia, so my brain processes things very different than normal people. It takes me three or four times the amount of time to read something. But I can remember random stuff about a contract, which is why people think I should be in contract law, but I can remember this random stuff. I don't use a Kindle. I tried. Yeah. It's probably-
Japhet De Oliveira: Pen and paper.
Patrick Wilson: Pen and paper.
Japhet De Oliveira: Real books.
Patrick Wilson: Physical books.
Japhet De Oliveira: Yeah.
Patrick Wilson: Yeah.
Japhet De Oliveira: Hey, that's great. That's great. All right, we have time for two more. The last two, where would you like to go with the last two?
Patrick Wilson: All right, well let's go into the 80s.
Japhet De Oliveira: The 80s.
Patrick Wilson: How about 86.
Japhet De Oliveira: All right, 86. Here we go. Who was influential in shaping you to be who you are now and why?
Patrick Wilson: Well, we covered a bit-
Japhet De Oliveira: Covered that professionally, but... yeah.
Patrick Wilson: ... professionally. I would probably... now I can talk probably about my wife, and so you can turn this off now. It's very... she invested a whole lot of time in helping me understand that people aren't just things. Even though lots of people have invested a whole lot of time in me, and I knew that, but she would make comments like you can't just walk into a place and say, "Hey, can you do this, or let's talk about X. Ask them how they're doing. Get a little personal with them. Dive in to where you know about their families." It's not that was foreign. I mean, my mom knew everyone, still knows everyone. It was just the drivenness part of, "Well, we only have so many hours on the planet. Why am I going to waste my time?" That's the total introverted part.
Her investment and patience of, "Hey, go and invest more time in people. Also, don't take for granted just the small talk about... because people will open up, and share things about their lives, that they probably wouldn't if you didn't create those relationships, and spend time doing that". Even to this day, I still catch myself... but it's way less frequent, and I don't see it as a bother like I did 20 years ago.
Japhet De Oliveira: Hey, that's really good. It's actually a great piece of advice for anybody, not just to go for it, but actually to get to know people. Yeah.
Patrick Wilson: Absolutely. IT is something that you have to do together, and as you use the term community, and definitely just life in general, unless you do want to be that hermit.
Japhet De Oliveira: All right, last number. Where do you want to go?
Patrick Wilson: Last one.
Japhet De Oliveira: Yeah.
Patrick Wilson: Well, let's go to the 80s. You pick.
Japhet De Oliveira: Oh, I wish I could. I have really been faithful-
Patrick Wilson: All right, fine. Let's see, we did 86, so let's do... I don't know, 98.
Japhet De Oliveira: 98. All right. Oh, what is the one great thing that you are capable of achieving? Huh.
Patrick Wilson: The one great thing?
Japhet De Oliveira: Yeah, that you're capable of achieving.
Patrick Wilson: Wow. That is a super difficult... because part of me says, "Well, I'm achieving it now," but then that means I have nothing else to go and attain, which is sad. Maybe I need these tissues here for a different reason, but something that I can go and attain. It's probably continuing to live out the mission of reducing fear in an anxious world. That could be being there for my kids as they go through life. It could be just further living out the mission of being there to support others. Then also creating... recently I'm on this kick of creating training around cyber protection for families, because there's enough scamming going on, that it's not just about protecting you, it's about protecting your family, protecting especially older adults that are being scammed right and left. I guess continuing that work of really focusing in on helping others reduce the anxiety around parental care, especially in the day of the age of cyber theft, where you can literally have your entire life savings gone in an instant, if somebody makes the wrong decision.
Japhet De Oliveira: Yeah. Hey, that's really good. That is really good. Thank you for thinking of that. Thank you as well Patrick for sharing. I think these are all insightful moments about how we can actually live better, as human beings, with each other.
Patrick Wilson: Absolutely.
Japhet De Oliveira: Yeah, so I appreciate it a lot. Hey, if you're listening to this, I want to encourage you just to do the same thing. Sit with someone, ask them a great question, learn a little bit about them. It changes you, it changes them. We become better community for that. Again, Patrick, thank you so much, and until we connect again, God bless everyone.
Patrick Wilson: All right. Take care.
Narrator: Thank you for joining us for the Story & Experience Podcast. We invite you to read, watch, and submit your story and experience at adventisthealth.org/story. The Story & Experience Podcast was bought to you by Adventist Health through the Office of Culture.
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